DALLAS – Nov. 18, 2015 – The Pacific Business Group on Health (PBGH) was honored with the 2015 Membership Award by the National Business Coalition on Health (NBCH) for their leadership and efforts to work with purchasers across the country in collaboration with health plans and providers to improve quality and value in the US health system.
A non-profit business coalition focused on improving the quality and affordability of health care, PBGH represents 60 large health care purchaser members with more than 10 million employees, retirees and dependents in California.
Lauren Vela, Sr. Director, Member Value for PBGH, accepts the award from NBCH CEO Charles Smithers and Karen van Caulil, NBCH Board Chair and President and CEO of the Florida Health Care Coalition.
A non-profit business coalition focused on improving the quality and affordability of health care, PBGH represents 60 large health care purchaser members with more than 10 million employees, retirees and dependents in California.
“PBGH is proud to be honored for the work we do on behalf of, and alongside our members,” said David Lansky, president and CEO of PBGH. “We have the great fortune of working with forward thinking purchasers who are dedicated to improving the value and outcomes of health care for their covered populations and health care consumers nationwide. On behalf of our members we would like to thank NBCH for recognizing our efforts to transform US health care.”
The coalition demonstrated leadership particularly in the areas of value-based purchasing initiatives and innovative benefit design strategies. Key PBGH policy programs include:
· Leveraging the clout of large purchasers to improve quality measurement
· Public reporting of provider and health plan performance information
· Collaborating with public officials to inform development and implementation of innovative payment and delivery reform policies
· Aligning public sector efforts with private purchaser activities to support comprehensive, system-wide transformation
Specific payment reform efforts in 2015 include recruiting large self-insured employers into state-based multi-payer initiatives, as well as the creation of a nation-wide Purchaser Value Network (PVN) to harvest and spread best practices in payment reform among public and private purchasers across the country.
PBGH also works with federal and state policymakers to facilitate the use of innovative benefit design strategies among its broader membership base. In 2015, this effort has included shaping implementation of the excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health insurance plans, alignment of EEOC wellness regulations with the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and clarification of recent HHS guidance on embedded out-of-pocket limits. The policy team also works with the administration to identify and remove regulatory barriers to value-based insurance design and purchasing initiatives like the Employer Centers of Excellence Network (ECEN).
PBGH engages both its members and the broader purchaser community in the performance measurement and reporting enterprise through the Consumer-Purchaser Alliance. The Alliance regularly develops education and advocacy materials for purchasing organizations and disseminates that information through email alerts, a periodic newsletter, website updates, webinars, traditional press, public comment letters, and social media.
“As health care costs continue to rise, coalitions are playing a critical role in reforming the system through community collaboration and purchasing strategies to improve the quality and value in care delivery,” said Karen van Caulil, NBCH board chair and president and CEO of the Florida Health Care Coalition. “We congratulate PBGH on receiving this well-deserved recognition for their efforts to improve health and health care.”
About the Pacific Business Group on Health
PBGH is a non-profit business coalition focused on improving the quality and affordability of health care. The group represents 60 large health care purchaser members with more than 10 million employees, retirees and dependents in California. Follow on Twitter: @PBGH_updates
About the National Business Coalition on Health
About the National Business Coalition on Health
National Business Coalition on Health (NBCH) is a national nonprofit membership organization of purchaser-led health care coalitions, representing more than 7,000 employers, unions and local governments, and approximately 35 million employees and dependents across the United States. NBCH and its members are dedicated to value-based purchasing of health care services through the collective action of public and private purchasers. NBCH seeks to accelerate the nation’s progress toward safe, efficient, high-quality health care and the improved health status of the American population. Follow on Twitter: @NBCH
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